Rust Manor House has a European charm to it. It’s a manor house situated minutes from downtown Leesburg on 68 acres of nature sanctuary. Unquestionably, it’s close proximity to town, accommodations plus the seclusion and attention to detail make it a perfect wedding venue. Thankful that Rebecca of Rebecca Dotson Photography had me along to second shoot this wedding for Sydney and Matt.
Sydney and Matt have known one another since the 3rd grade. Surprisingly, Matt even wrote in Sydney’s yearbook that he liked her. I guess he knew what the future held. These two didn’t date until after school. However, it was easy and quick to see that these two would be together forever. It took a minute for them to get engaged but Sydney said she was going to marry him early on. Undoubtedly, I guess they both just knew!
All of the planning and preparation made for a wonderful day. These two and their families were such a joy to work with. The care and compassion they have for everyone is so sweet. They even invited us to a cookout the day after their wedding. It was a post wedding celebration for out of town guests. But also a house warming because they recently purchased a house. Them and their three fur babies now call it home!

Venue | Rust Manor House
Main Photographer | Rebecca Dotson Photography
To see more of my engagement sessions, click here!
To see more of my recent weddings, click here!