Happy Middle of the Week Again!
Today I introduce you to the the second FFP Senior Model Rep, Kaitlyn! If you missed the first, click here! Kaitlyn and I are family by marriage and I am one very lucky relative because Kaitlyn is a great girl! Kaitlyn attends Warren County High and is a part of class 2k15. She is apart of every club, group, and committee possible. I have no idea when she sleeps but she excels in everything that she does and continues to volunteer herself. I think she learned this from her mom, a Warren County teacher who always helps and gives above and beyond.
Kaitlyn is an active member at her church, Vice President of the Drama Club, a part of the honor society, and so much more. She plans to attend college after graduating but hasn’t decided which college she will attend, there are a few lucky colleges on the list.
Make sure you say hello to Kaitlyn and ask her about a special offer if you book your senior portraits before September 30th!
The photos were taken in Downtown Winchester Walking Mall. Melissa from Makeup by Melissa Franklin perfected Kaitlyn’s look by styling her hair and highlighting her complexion. Be sure to visit Makeup by Melissa and like her page!
[…] Links to last years Senior Model Experience & Models: Shopping Trip, Allie, & Kaitlyn […]